Recipe Share: Secret Ingredient

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Recipe Share: Secret Ingredient

Post by LynKit »

Okay, I'm gonna try something!

Share one recipe a day, involving the secret ingredient.

I'm gonna start out easyish.

Today's secret ingredient is RICE.

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Re: Recipe Share: Secret Ingredient

Post by katrani »

Oh this is fun!!!

I have risotto-stuffed bell peppers that I need to make again. I'm not *quite* sure on proportions, cause when I made it I wound up with way more filling than I needed, so just... go with what feels right for the peeps you're cooking for?
Bell peppers (one per person)
Meat of your choice, in chunks (I used stew-cut beef!)
Broth/stock to match the meat
Some veggies (I used carrots and spinach)
Butter or oil
Some kind of dry white wine, a small amount like half a cup
Onion (one medium-sized white one should do)
Seasonings (I made mine curry-spicy, but you could probs do lots of different things here!)
Cheese (I used a mix of mozzerella and parmesan)
-Make sure the broth is at least room temperature. If you have the space and extra pot to heat it up a bit, even better! No boiling, you just want it warm.
-Spice your meat. Feel free to go heavy with it, there's going to be a lot of mild-making stuff in this!
-If using garlic, heat some fat in a pan. Add the garlic and let it get aromatic. Add the meat and veggies (paced however you need so nothing winds up over- or under-cooked), cook through. Set aside.

-Heat more of the fat in a second pan. Add the onion. Saute until translucent. Add the rice and wine, stir, and leave for a couple of minutes until it starts to smell nutty.
-Add a ladleful of broth and stir into the rice. You actually don't have to stir constantly, but check on it frequently- once or twice a minute. Repeat until all your broth is absorbed.
-Add the meat and veggies to the rice, stir it all together, add some cheese, set aside.

-Preheat oven to 400 F.
-Cut the bell peppers in half vertically- that is, from stem to bottom. You want them to be long.
-Remove the seeds and stem.
-Coat with the last bit of your fat and some salt and pepper.
-Scoop the filling into the peppers, top with the remaining cheese.
-Cook in the oven for 30ish minutes.
I made it during our lakehouse trip and the polycule all loved it!
Last edited by katrani on Fri 25 Sep, 2020, 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Recipe Share: Secret Ingredient

Post by LynKit »

I have a risotto one too!


Note: the way we make this it's wandered quite a ways from traditional risotto, but it's plenty tasty.
For 2 people:
1 large beet or two smallish (peeled and cut into 1/2" cubes)
1/2 TB or so of a fat (butter, lard, olive oil)
2/3 cup arborio rice
large pinch salt
black or white pepper, freshly ground.
1.5 oz cheese (melty and/or tasty) (white rather than orange works better here)
broth, white wine (or rose) or other flavorful liquid if you have it around.
If you want, 4-6 oz. of a protein (chicken, sausage.. tofu might work, I think we've done marinated tofu)
Turn pan on med-high
Melt the fat and heat it in the bottom of your pan. Toss the rice in it until coated.
(This is where it's not a normal risotto)
Add fluid in volume = 2x the rice volume. We like broth for this, but water and a 1/2 cup of wine works too. Or water and up the salt, possibly add a couple spices or a half teaspoon of bouillon.
Add the beets and salt.

I generally prefer either using a precooked protein and adding it near the end or cooking it in a separate pan for a bit of browning and adding it AT the end.

bring up to a boil, lower heat to simmer, and cover.
Let simmer until all the water is absorbed. Stir vigorously a couple times throughout.
If needed, add up to 1/3 cup more fluid near the end.
Add cheese, stir until melted, sprinkle with pepper.
You will have the most amazingly magenta risotto ever.

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Re: Recipe Share: Secret Ingredient

Post by LynKit »

Okay, the next secret ingredient is...


Guess why

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