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Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Wed 23 Feb, 2022, 5:22 pm
by InspectorCaracal
corvabird wrote:
Wed 23 Feb, 2022, 1:12 pm
'All right,' says Zally. 'I'm in.' They feel ready to go, or as ready as they can. 'Where can we find this Lady Voleria?' Presumably it's not too hard to find people with titles, but it seems prudent to get directions before they go.
"Allow me." Drurios takes a small notebook out of his pocket, jots down some directions* and tears out the page. And, as no one has retrieved the note, he picks that up as well and hands both to Zalian. "I would recommend the four of you meet up in the morning and visit her then - it's rather late for visitors." This last comment is accompanied by a slightly dour glance at Kavirin. "If you have need of anything over the course of the investigation, please don't hesitate to ask."

* The directions are brief but clear, in precise handwriting, starting from a nearby local landmark - a fountain or something like that.

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Thu 24 Feb, 2022, 9:38 am
by corvabird
Zally examines the card, written in the same hand as the initial invitation, and then the directions, which are plenty clear but still gives Zally a little frisson of anxiety about finding their way around an unfamiliar city.

They kneel beside their chair, carefully take out their own notebook, and copy down the directions for themself. They look around at the rest of the group. 'Would anyone else like a copy?' they ask, and hand out copies to anyone who asks, careful to write slowly and legibly, unlike the initial copy, which is both a spidery mess and a little smudged.

When they're done, they stand up. 'I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning,' they say to the others. 'Uh ... does anyone know of a good place to stay? I'm new here.'

The inn they'd been staying at was neither nice nor particularly in their budget. It would be helpful if someone more knowledgeable could point them toward a better option. They considered mentioning their budget but then their tail brushes the floor nervously and they flex their clawed toes as they realise that in their shabby outfit and ragged footwraps, they likely have no need to mention it.

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Thu 24 Feb, 2022, 12:05 pm
by Wysteria
Hawthorn takes a copy of the directions, noting that she does know where to find the prominent local fountain, and is distracted by Zally's question. She knows of inns, generally, but 'good' and 'within Zally's apparent budget' stump her. She doesn't usually deal with travelers.

"No, sorry. I know there's a strip of them down on Lamp Street, but which ones are better than others.... Should we all meet at the fountain tomorrow? First bell after breakfast?"

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Sun 27 Feb, 2022, 5:21 pm
by skysailor
corvabird wrote:
Thu 24 Feb, 2022, 9:38 am
Zally examines the card, written in the same hand as the initial invitation, and then the directions, which are plenty clear but still gives Zally a little frisson of anxiety about finding their way around an unfamiliar city.

They kneel beside their chair, carefully take out their own notebook, and copy down the directions for themself. They look around at the rest of the group. 'Would anyone else like a copy?' they ask, and hand out copies to anyone who asks, careful to write slowly and legibly, unlike the initial copy, which is both a spidery mess and a little smudged.

When they're done, they stand up. 'I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning,' they say to the others. 'Uh ... does anyone know of a good place to stay? I'm new here.'

The inn they'd been staying at was neither nice nor particularly in their budget. It would be helpful if someone more knowledgeable could point them toward a better option. They considered mentioning their budget but then their tail brushes the floor nervously and they flex their clawed toes as they realise that in their shabby outfit and ragged footwraps, they likely have no need to mention it.
Sab cheerfully tells Zally about where he's staying - it's cheap enough that he's been making the fees with odd jobs here and there - and offers to share his room if Zally can't afford their own.

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Mon 28 Feb, 2022, 1:20 pm
by corvabird
Zally nods uncertainly at Hawthorn's suggestions -- they suppose that's the best they could hope for really -- but then blink in surprise at Sabriel's invitation. 'Oh that sounds perfect actually. It'd be great to split a room if I could until I've made a bit more coin. If you're sure, that is?' Their ears twitch nervously and their tail twitches along the floor, but they feel hopeful for the first time all week. A place to stay, a well-paid job, and perhaps even a friendly acquaintance, as the bird-like feykin Sabriel seems both kind and straight-forward in a way Zally finds reassuring.

'First bell after breakfast,' Zally agrees with Hawthorn. 'I'll be there. Thank you.'

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Mon 28 Feb, 2022, 3:57 pm
by skysailor
corvabird wrote:
Mon 28 Feb, 2022, 1:20 pm
Zally nods uncertainly at Hawthorn's suggestions -- they suppose that's the best they could hope for really -- but then blink in surprise at Sabriel's invitation. 'Oh that sounds perfect actually. It'd be great to split a room if I could until I've made a bit more coin. If you're sure, that is?' Their ears twitch nervously and their tail twitches along the floor, but they feel hopeful for the first time all week. A place to stay, a well-paid job, and perhaps even a friendly acquaintance, as the bird-like feykin Sabriel seems both kind and straight-forward in a way Zally finds reassuring.

'First bell after breakfast,' Zally agrees with Hawthorn. 'I'll be there. Thank you.'
"Sure," Sabriel says. "You can even make a nest with the bedstraw. See the rest of you tomorrow."

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Wed 02 Mar, 2022, 7:48 am
by zatnosk
"See you tomorrow," Mina says before grabbing a final snack from the tray and leaving the room.

The next morning, before anyone else arrives, Mina is sitting at the edge of the beautifully sculpted fountain mentioned in the directions. They're reading a tiny book - a new one from yesterday's bookhaul - and their shoulderbag looks less full of books than yesterday, although not entirely empty.

Mina's brown hair is loosely braided revealing her pointy ears. She's wearing a beige tunic, a wide leather belt with a small purse and a few bits hanging off it, and a long colorful flower-patterned skirt reaching down to her boots. The boots are clearly well made, only slightly used, and designed for walking.

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Sat 12 Mar, 2022, 9:32 am
by corvabird
As it happens, Zally did make a nest with the bedstraw. And it made them sneeze a bit but otherwise they had a very good night's sleep. Surprisingly better than in the inn they'd been staying in -- they realise they've been on edge the whole time they've been in this city, and it was nice to share a room with someone who seems helpful.

It doesn't take them long to get ready and go out to the fountain, although they are slowed down a little by shaking the straw out of thir feathers, and they arrive at the fountain just as the first bell rings. Mina is already there, in her elf-shape and a flowery skirt. It looks very nice. Zally feels a little under-dressed in their robes and rags, but then that's not such an unusual feeling.

'Hi Mina,' they say, waving. They know they're supposed to get down to business probably, but they can't help but ask, 'What are you reading?'

OOC: Sabriel, feel free to have walked down with Zally if you like!

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Sun 13 Mar, 2022, 3:35 am
by skysailor
The not-predator not-bird turns out to also be not-territorial, which is refreshing. Sabriel holds human form anyway, just because it's his biggest and because waking up to detransform is annoying, and sets up blankets atop the wardrobe to perch on for the night.

He takes up a lazy stroll alongside Zally, grabbing them both some breakfast along the way, some hot filled buns. His is full of shredded, roasted organ meat mixed with berries. He's not sure what Zally's gotten, and can't help but be curious.

Re: Cal's KIN Forum Game

Posted: Mon 14 Mar, 2022, 3:56 pm
by Wysteria
Hawthorn is late! She got caught up in what she should wear to go adventuring (investigating, Hawthorn, investigating) and is now half-jogging to attempt to get to the square vaguely on time. Her outfit ends up being plain, sturdy trousers, shirt and vest, with a belt knife and a simple but sturdy walking stick. The red of the vest matches the red berries in her thorny hair.

She waves with her free hand at the assembled company, a little too out of breath to talk.